Friday, July 27, 2018

IT WAS NOT ENOUGH... Chapter 1 - Her

       She left the corridor with her bag in the hand... opened the door with one kick and went out on the street. The secretary who stationed next the door went out of her post and went after her.... grabbed her arm and asked what kind of behaviour it is with harsh voice. Sa Nyo looked at her... took out with one strong move her arm out of the hands of this woman, reaping her shirt and headed away from there. 

       She got rid of all people from her life in just two days... deleted all conversations, chat-rooms, social medias... leaving only instagram filled with photos and quotes of how in pain she was all this time. Her decision about staying alone... was for her the only option to avoid being judged. She thought about herself as she was the biggest freak in the world.... her friends? Kai.. Rina.. Steph.. all of them betrayed her. This is what she thought about them. Her last message was the clue for them... she didn't knew even why she left anything of herself there, but seemed like one seed of humanity was somewhere there deep inside. 

       She felt disgusted with herself lately... couldn't even look at the mirrors, because the emptyness of her eyes was killing her. 

       At the moment she arrived to the building she lived in ... she asked herself how the hell she will be able to pay for her apartment if just 15min ago, she threw hot coffe into her previous... now ex boss face. Suddenly she felt extremely lonely and tears filled her eyes... inside her head appeared terryfing picture of what she could do this night. She cried all the way up...

      She opened the door... then closed them loudly. It was dark inside, clear sign that nothing.. and no one was there. She threw her bag on the floor next to the bathroom doors... took off her clothes and made an effort to step closer to the window. From the 10th floor... everything looked really pleasing, like... "How fantastic feeling would it be to fall into all this cars, trees and people" but she turned away, found in this darkness one sleeveless white shirt on the floor and then took of her bra... layed on bed and just dreamed to sleep well at least this night. She didn't remembered if she slept or not....

* For next chapter is required 5 comments <3 Thank youu ~
edit : Post will be appearing in any free moments, but.. remember that nothing motivates more to write than comment or good or bad :) So... be this kind and leave something after you <3 Love youu ~ 

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