Sunday, August 12, 2018

IT WAS NOT ENOUGH... Chapter 4 - He

     Wandering on the streets at late hours was something that helped him at least not feel so heavy... soon it become his hobbie, but nothing was changing the fact that he would prefer to stay in his bed as long as it would be possible, but he couldn't stand the feeling that everyone around the dorm are checking on him if he is still alive. 

He wasn't depressed... just something happened and he had no idea how he can end this freezing feeling of losing something really important and other feelings that had unknow names. 

He knew he was famous, he knew he had an image to keep on a certain level... but this night he just wanted to rest and drink, he risked it all for this small things. He was walking on the street close the the river with his jacket in one hand and a bottle of whisky in other... even thought he got one of strongest whisky it still seemed to be too weak. The bottle was white, and this reminded him... of that day... 

     He wanted just to be alone, but the photoshoot planned by his company was settled for this day from a long time and they couldn't do nothing to change the date... he pushed himself to move to the studio, then with others he headed to the shoot location. At the place, after polite greetings to the stuff members, he saw their compan for the photoshoot... weird feeling runned through his spine... he was amazed by how tiny and beautiful she was, but the first thing he though was "How nice would be to get rid of this damn white material covering her body" and the exactly same moment she turned into their direction... the first one to say anything to her was Namjoon, politely greeting her and saying how happy he is that they will work together. Others came closer to introduce themselves... and even thought she had nice make-up on her face, he saw her left cheek was more red then the other. While making an eye contact, touching her hand and automatically introducing "I am SUGA" he realized her dark eyes, light of reflectors dancing on her cheeks and full lips. 

He hated the idea of this photoshoot, because he had to do this even thought he said already to the company that he won't come out to the lights for a while... but after a few days the idea of going there and seeing her working made him gain more will to do this. He was observing her, and she was observing him... he caught himself on looking for her anytime he was waiting for others to finish their job. Manager warned him to not look at her in the way he did, but he just continued this... at times he was sure she wasn't aware of it. Other time, when he was observing J-Hope posing with Jimin, she came closer handing him a cup of coffee... he moved slowly his eyes from her hand at her face...  she looked a bit dark, her eyes didn't have this sparkle as before, she kind of was like a ship after a long, long sail. He couldn't get the whole change on her face, this is why he stared at her a bit too long... then took the coffee and looked away, she sat next to him.. drinking her coffee calmly. Their first meeting run through his mind... her cheek.. he let out a sight, no one knew how much he desired for some things, she was one of them, but he had no idea if his action would not hurt her and him as well at the end. 
- What's that for? - he observed her. She shrugged her shoulders, it looked like she does not care at all if he wanted this or not... for a second he had no idea if he wasn't mistaken.. then she looked at him, suddenly stood up and leaned over him dangerously close, grabbing his hand with her thing, cold fingers.
- If you don't want this... I can take it back - he tried to read through her intensions, and all he saw was a small movemet of her waist. It took a moment for him to overthink his decision... but he didn't changed his mind. He tried this coffe she give him... it was bitter, but good in the same way as the sweet ones he once used to drink. He knew he will regret this decision, but he finally looked into her eyes.. to decline her favor..
- I am not in a good condition for this kind of things... - he hoped it is enough to make her just go, because the temperature in his body was rising every second she was holding his hand.. 
- You mean drinking coffee? - her sweet voice wasn't helping him to stay untouched. 
- For what you're doing..
- And what exactly I am doing? - she played like her hand slipped from the chair on his tight... he had to take a really deep breath to not to pull her closed to him right there, even for a moment she didn't looked away in order to check if someone is observing them, fortunetely he choosed a perfect place where almost no one have seen them.
- I am not allowed to do anything.. you too.. stop then - he really wished he could not say that, but he feeled like if he won't do this, the whole earth will stop existing.. he just needed to warn himself her too, just to act polite like an animal, he tried to convince himself, that he has no need to proceed with this situation... but her stare was so..
- I thought.. that rules exist to break them... - she leaned closed, passing her fingers through his arm, reaching his neck... he had no strenght to say 'no' anymore.. he let her get close. 

He passed really close to one of the trees near the river almost crushing on it... the bottle slipped from his hand, but safaly not crushed on the path. He took it again in his hand... and looking at the white.. he laughed to himself.
- Oh yeah... we broke all rules that were there.. still laughing he started to walk again, from one to the other side of the path.

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1 comment:

  1. Wow... I told you this is LIT!! I love it really much, the story is going so smoothly! Hwaiting!!����
